Realme 6, Realme 6 Pro launches in India, learn the powerful features of smartphones Realme 6 (photo Credits-Twitter) Realme 6 and Realme 6 Pro smartphones have been launched in India. Talking about the specifications of this smartphone, the new Realme 6 Series smartphone has a 90Hz refresh rate and less than 64MP primary camera sensor. Realmi 6 Pro has 6GB of RAM and 64GB of storage. Customers will have to pay Rs 16,99 for this. So know what features have been offered for the Realme 6 and Realme 6 Pro smartphones. You will also be able to know whether this smartphone is going to be affordable for your peers. >> Realme 6 Smartphone: Realme 6's 4GB and 64GB storage variants are priced at Rs 12,99. It will cost Rs 14,999 for 6 GB RAM and 128 GB storage variant and Rs 15,999 for top variants with 8 GB RAM / 128 GB storage. The smartphone has been launched in Comet Blue and Comet White colors. The first sale of the Realme 6 smartphone will be on Ma...